Charity card acceptance provider, PayaCharity have boosted their product offering by launching a true Pay As You Go card processing account for charities, which combined with an option to have a business or supporter sponsor the devices, means that charities can take advantage of contactless donations free of any financial commitment.
The new card processing account simplifies the process for charities to accept contactless donations with no set up fee, no minimum monthly charges, no authorisation fees and no monthly PCI fees. Pay As You Go charges are simply deducted from donation transactions.
When combined with PayaCharity’s solution which allows a charity supporter to sponsor the donation box (great for business CSR programmes!), a charity can be up and running accepting contactless donations with no financial commitments.
Targeted at charities looking to boost their donations and fundraising capabilities, PayaCharity delivers a one-stop-shop for charities looking to join the contactless revolution. Each step of the process is taken care of by PayaCharity from the charity bespoke online application to the fulfilment and support of the contactless donation boxes.
PayaCharity director, Bill Thomson commented: “Despite 100m+ contactless cards in the UK market, many charities were previously put off by the complex supply chain despite the ongoing decline in cash donations. With our one-stop-shop supply of all the elements required to roll out a successful solution, we are now seeing growth in the number of charities successfully tapping into contactless donations. We’ve now added the option to do this completely free of financial commitments so that charities of all sizes and types can benefit”.
To find out more about how your charity can start accepting contactless donations call 0333 123 1243, alternatively email enquiries@payacharity.com.
All major payment methods supported