PayaCharity has launched a one of a kind service to allow Charities and religious organisations to maximise Gift Aid collection on donations made via our contactless devices as well as donations made online.
All it takes is one simple registration by a donor of their payment card details when they make an online donation using PayaCharity or anytime at www.mygivinghub.com
PayaCharity now provides the most complete set of complementary tools for charities to maximise their fundraising activities in multiple environments with the benefit of capturing Gift Aid.
Benefits include:
- Simple service compared to other solutions
- Full Gift Aid uplift on all eligible donations made with cards registered by Donors
- Gift Aid on contactless donations without the pre-entry of Donor details at the donation point, so avoiding queues
- Minimal administration. Gift Aid reports are available in your PayaCharity portal selectable by date range
- Gift Aid information is provided for FREE and there is no additional charge on the amount recovered
- PayaCharity’s multichannel tokenization allows donors to add Gift Aid to any donation made on their registered cards within the past 4 years
- Registration of donors can be encouraged via QR codes or via web address
- PayaCharity partners can be introduced to assist you with Gift Aid recovery
How It Works:
MyGivingHub is PayaCharity’s newest online donation solution that allows donors to centralise all of their charitable giving in a single place, with Gift Aid details captured automatically, without the need for donors to sign up or register with any additional parties or provide access to their bank account data.
Using PayaCharity’s multichannel tokenization support, MyGivingHub allows donors to monitor their giving history online, register more than one donation card, manage their Gift Aid claim permissions and match past online and contactless donations made using their registered cards. This ability to automatically match card payments helps maximise the claim of Gift Aid for the causes they support with a few simple clicks.
“The idea is to create a simple and easy online system for donors that works for online and contactless donations, is hassle-free and fits both spontaneous and planned donations.” says PayaCharity’s CEO Bill Thomson. “Taking out the additional step of having to sign up to external partners means donors can manage their donations and Gift Aid in one sitting, making it more convenient and user-friendly.”
To find out more about how PayaCharity can help you continue fundraising during the Coronavirus pandemic, or for more information about any of our services, contact our team on 0333 123 1243.
All major payment methods supported